
Media coverage are listed in alphabetical order of news outlets.


KAUST Discovery. Jan 14, 2024. ``Global look at sex differences in young people’s mortality''

2021 Aug 3, 2021. ``Исследование: Общее количество нерожденных девочек в Азербайджане составит около 200 тысяч''

aufeminin. Aug 11, 2021. ``Avortement sexo-sélectif : d’ici 2030, 12 pays ‘perdront’ jusqu’à 5 millions de femmes’'

BioEdge. Aug 7, 2021. ``Another 4.7 million girls will go missing by 2030''

Breibart. Aug 4, 2021. ``Report: Abortions to Result in 5 Million Fewer Girls Born in Coming Decade''

Breibart. Aug 5, 2021. ``Report: Abortions to Result in 5 Million Fewer Girls Born in Coming Decade''

Business Insider Australia. Aug 3, 2021. ``The world will see a shortfall of 5 million girls over the next 10 years due to sex selective practices, study says''

Business Insider Netherlands. Aug 3, 2021. ``The world will see a shortfall of 5 million girls over the next 10 years due to sex selective practices, study says''

Daily Greek Show. Aug 14, 2021. ``Ces douze pays pourraient perdre jusqu’à 5 millions de femmes dans les dix ans à venir''

Der Spiegel. Aug 3, 2021. ``Fünf Millionen Töchter, die nie zur Welt kommen'' Aug 10, 2021. ``Welche Folgen hat pränatale Geschlechtsselektion?''

DIÁRIO DA AMAZÔNIA. Aug 11, 2021. ``Doze países podem ‘perder’ quase 5 milhões de mulheres na próxima década’'

Eastern Eye. Aug 4, 2021. ``Skewed sex ratio may lead to 5 million girls missing in next decade: study''

France 24. Aug 3, 2021. ``Nearly 5 mn fewer girls to be born worldwide over next 10 years: study''


Gazeta Do Povo. Aug 3, 2021. ``Abortos seletivos podem levar o mundo a ter quase 5 milhões de meninas a menos em 10 anos''

Green Me. Aug 11, 2021. ``Fra qualche decennio gli uomini supereranno le donne per numero (e questo è un problema)''

Insider. Aug 3, 2021. ``The world will see a shortfall of 5 million girls over the next 10 years due to sex selective practices, study says''

Jordan Times. Aug 4, 2021. ``Nearly 5 million fewer girls to be born worldwide over next 10 year''

Medical News Today. Aug 4, 2021. ``Preference for sons could lead to 4.7 m ‘missing’ female births’'

Medical Xpress. Aug 2, 2021. ``Countries with skewed sex ratio at birth set to ’lose’ another 4.7m girls by 2030''

Medindia. Aug 5, 2021. ``Countries with skewed sex ratio at birth set to lose another 4.7m girls by 2030: study''

Mic. Aug 3, 2021. ``The practice of sex selection is going to cost us 5 million girls in the years to come''

Mirage News. Aug 3, 2021. ``Countries with skewed sex ratio at birth set to ‘lose’ another 4.7m girls by 2030''

MSN. Aug 3, 2021. ``The world will see a shortfall of 5 million girls over the next 10 years due to sex selective practices, study says''

MSN. Aug 12, 2021. ``Lányt nevelni olyan, mint a szomszéd kertjét öntözni''

Naked Science. Aug 5, 2021. ``Искусственный выбор пола при оплодотворении посчитали угрозой гендерному разнообразию''

News Medical. Aug, 2021. ``Countries with a cultural preference for sons likely to lose another 4.7 million girls by 2030''

NuevoPeriodico. Aug 10, 2021. ``12 países podrían ‘perder’ hasta 5 millones de mujeres en la próxima década''

Popmech. Aug 6, 2021. ``Ученые обеспокоены тем, что в некоторых странах рождается слишком много мальчиков''

PressReleasePoint. Aug 6, 2021. ``Men to outnumber women because of sex-selective abortion, study predicts''

Real Clear Science. Aug 9, 2021. ``There Are Too Many Men in China and India''

RET. Aug 3, 2021. ``Nearly 5 million fewer girls to be born worldwide over next 10 years: study''

RT Network. Aug 3, 2021. ``‘Cultural preferences’ for boys & prenatal sex-selection could lead to loss of 22 MILLION girls by 2100, researchers warn’'

RT Network. Aug 3, 2021. ``Un estudio calcula que para dentro de 10 años nacerán casi 5 millones menos de mujeres en el mundo''

Sputnik News. Aug 7, 2021. ``It’s a Man’s World: New Study Says Global Stability at Risk as Too Few Women Are Born''

Sputnik News. Aug 7, 2021. ``Ne pas vouloir de bébés de sexe féminin menacerait l’équilibre de la population mondiale''

Science Alert. Aug 8, 2021. ``12 Countries Could ‘Lose’ Almost 5 Million Women in The Next Decade, Warn Scientists’'

SciencePost. Aug 13, 2021. ``Une étude évalue la perte de naissances féminines dans le monde entre 2021 et 2100''

Scientias. Aug 14, 2021. ``Miljoenen meisjes dreigen de komende jaren niet geboren te worden''

Tek Deeps. Aug 9, 2021. ``12 countries could ’lose’ up to 5 million women in the next decade''

The Journal (Ireland). Aug 18, 2021. ``FactCheck: Does Irish law allow for ‘gender selection abortions’?’'

The Manomet Current. Aug 9, 2021. ``12 countries could ’lose’ up to 5 million women in the next decade''

The Spectator. Aug 4, 2021. ``Why are politicians reluctant to condemn sex-selective abortion?''

True Viral News. Aug 6, 2021. ``Scientists Warn That Way Too Many Men Are Being Born''

True Viral News. Aug 8, 2021. ``12 Countries Could ‘Lose’ Almost 5 Million Women in The Next Decade, Warn Scientists’'

WND. Aug 7, 2021. ``Study: Sex-selective abortion killing girls, destroying gender balance''

ZAP. Aug 11, 2021. ``Doze países podem ‘perder’ quase 5 milhões de mulheres na próxima década’'


2051.FR. Aug 19, 2020. ``Des millions de naissances féminines disparues prévues en Inde au cours de la prochaine décennie''

AbortionRight. Aug 21, 2020. ``India : Selective abortion in India could lead to 6.8m fewer girls being born by 2030''

BCNN1. Aug 22, 2020. ``India to Have 6.8 Million Female Births by 2030 Due to Sex-Selective Abortions'' Aug 19, 2020. ``Millions of Missing Female Births Predicted in India in Next Decade''

Christian Headlines. Aug 2020. ``India Predicted to Have 6.8 Million Fewer Female Birth by 2030 due to Sex-Selective Abortions''

Christian Post. Aug 21, 2020. ``India to have 6.8 million fewer female births by 2030 due to abortion - study''

Deccan Herald. Aug 21, 2020. ``India to record 68 lakh fewer female births between 2017-2030: Study''

Druzina. Aug 25, 2020. ``Indija: vsako leto rojenih več dečkov kot deklic''

Economic Times. Jun 30, 2020. ``India accounts for 45.8 million of the world’s ‘missing females’ - UN report’'

EurekAlert!. Aug 19, 2020. ``Researchers predict deficits in female birth numbers in India over coming decades''

Forbes. Aug 19, 2020. ``Illegal Sex-Selective Abortions In India Might Result In 6.8 Million Fewer Female Births''

Guardian. Aug 21, 2020. ``Selective abortion in India could lead to 6.8m fewer girls being born by 2030''

il Post. Sep 13, 2020. ``Gli aborti selettivi in India''

India Times. Sep 1, 2020. ``India’s Obsession With Male Child Will Lead To 6.8 Million Fewer Female Births By 2030''

Justdial. Aug 20, 2020. ``Millions of missing female births predicted in India in next decade''

Medical Xpress. Aug 19, 2020. ``Researchers predict deficits in female birth numbers in India over coming decades''

Medindia. Aug 20, 2020. ``Illegal Sex-Selective Abortions may Result in 6.8 Million Fewer Female Births in India''

mumsnet. Aug 21, 2020. ``Selective abortion in India could lead to 6.8m fewer girls being born by 2030''

News Break. Aug 19, 2020. ``Illegal Sex-Selective Abortions In India Might Result In 6.8 Million Fewer Female Births''

NewScientist. Aug 19, 2020. ``Millions of missing female births predicted in India in next decade''

Online News. Aug 20, 2020. ``Millions of missing female births predicted in India in next decade - Trading U''

ORF. Aug 20, 2020. ``Indien - Millionen weniger Mädchen wegen Abtreibungen''

Print. Jun 30, 2020. ``India accounts for 45.8 million of world’s missing females over last 50 years - UN report''

Reddit. Aug 21, 2020. ``Selective abortion in India could lead to 6.8m fewer girls being born by 2030''

Rep. Aug 27, 2020. ``India, il Paese delle bambine mai nate: non si fermano i femminicidi per aborto preventivo''

Research Matters. Aug 19, 2020. ``How many more missing daughters will India have?''

ScienceDaily. Aug 19, 2020. ``Researchers predict deficits in female birth numbers in India over coming decades''

SPUC. Aug 21, 2020. ``Abortion is used to weed out and kill females - 6.8 million Indian girls go missing''

Telegraph. Aug 22, 2020. ``India can lose 1,200 female foetuses daily over next decade''

Wire. Jun 30, 2020. ``India Accounts for 45.8 Million of the World’s ‘Missing Females’ - UN Report’'

WMC. Nov 9, 2020. ``New Study Shows Fewer Female Births in India’s Future''


7thSpace. Apr 16, 2019. ``Study finds natural variation in sex ratios at birth and sex ratio inflation in 12 countries''

BBC. Apr 18, 2019. ``23 млн нерожденных девочек. Ученые посчитали жертв селективных абортов''

Brights - Die Natur des Zweifels. Apr 18, 2019. ``In zwölf Ländern wurden deutlich mehr Buben als Mädchen geboren''

Channel3000. Oct 14, 2019. ``Why pregnant Chinese women are smuggling their blood''

CNN. Oct 17, 2019. ``Blood smuggling in China, Why pregnant women are breaking the law to find out their babies’ sex''

Deutsches Ärzteblatt. Apr 18, 2019. ``Schwangerschaftsabbrüche zur Geschlechtsselektion werden weltweit seltener''

EurekAlert!. Apr 16, 2019. ``Study finds natural variation in sex ratios at birth and sex ratio inflation in 12 countries'' Apr 19, 2019. ``Cultura Aborti selettivi: mancano all’appello 23 milioni di bambine''

Madame Figaro. Apr 19, 2019. ``Il manque 23 millions de femmes dans le monde''

Medium US. Nov 14, 2019. ``Coming Soon to a Doctor’s Office Near You - Designer Babies''

N+1. Apr 15, 2019. ``Селективные аборты уменьшили количество девочек на 23 миллиона''

News-Medical.Net. Apr 17, 2019. ``New estimation method assesses natural variations in sex ratio at birth''

NewScientist. Apr 16, 2019. ``Sex-selective abortions may have stopped the birth of 23 million girls''

Panorama. Apr 19, 2019. ``Հայաստանը, Վրաստանը, Ադրբեջանն ընտրողական աբորտների քանակով «առաջատարներից են»'' Apr 16, 2019. ``Long-term study shows gender-based abortions lead to skewed gender population numbers''

RT Network. Apr 21, 2019. ``Científicos aseguran que los abortos selectivos evitaron el nacimiento de más de 23 millones de niñas''

RT Network. Jul 23, 2019. ``India investiga abortos selectivos: ni una sola niña nacida en 132 aldeas en los últimos 3 meses''

Science Alert. Apr 20, 2019. ``There Are 23 Million ‘Missing’ Girls in The World Due to Sex-Selective Abortions’'

Science World Report. Apr 22, 2019. ``Study finds natural variation in sex ratios at birth and sex ratio inflation in 12 countries''

Sputnik News. Apr 20, 2019. ``Faltan 23 millones de mujeres en el mundo: China y la India tienen la culpa''

Spektrum. Apr 16, 2019. ``23 Millionen Frauen fehlen''

TekCrispy. Apr 16, 2019. ``Abortos selectivos por sexo pueden haber interrumpido el nacimiento de millones de niñas''

Wired. Apr 15, 2019. ``First Big Survey of Births Finds Millions of Missing Women''

ZAP. Apr 18, 2019. ``Seleção de género pode ter impedido 23 milhões de meninas de nascer''


Business Standard. Oct 28, 2018. ``India’s under-5 mortality equals global average, but Bangladesh does better''

Bloomberg-Quint. Sep 20, 2018. ``India’s Under-5 Mortality Now Matches Global Average, But Bangladesh, Nepal Do Better''

vaccines and global health, ethics and policy. Apr 28, 2018. ``National and regional under-5 mortality rate by economic status for low-income and middle-income countries, a systematic assessment''